[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1587532982278{padding-top: 60px !important;}”][vc_column][amwal_section_title title=”How To Register A Producer Company” text_position=”center”][/amwal_section_title][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1587533085164{padding-top: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 40px !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/4″ css=”.vc_custom_1481792125454{padding-top: 40px 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What is Producer Company Registration?
A Producer Company was introduced in India with the Companies Act, 2013. It gives persons engaged in activities related to producing (what has been grown or produced, particularly by farming) the opportunity to form a company. A producer company can be formed by 10 or more producers (persons involved in, or in activities related to, produce or growth), two or more producer institutions or a combination of 10 or more producers and producer institutions. Such a company can only have equity capital, require a minimum of five directors and an authorised capital of Rs. 5 lakh. The procedure for forming a Producer company is similar to the one for forming a private limited company.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]
Types of Producer Companies
Production Businesses
The main functions of producer companies are production, procurement or manufacture of any primary produce for its members (for further sale) and to others.
Marketing Businesses
Even a business involved in the marketing or promotion of primary produce or provision of educational services to members and others can constitute itself as a producer company.
Technical Service Businesses
Any business offering technical assistance to producers, providing training and educational services or conducting research and development can register as a producer company.
Financing Businesses
Any business financing producer activities, be it in the production, marketing or development domain, can register itself as a producer company.
Infrastructure Businesses
Businesses involved in providing infrastructure to producers, whether in the form of electricity, water resources, irrigation techniques, land utilisation, or consultation with regard to the same, may constitute themselves as a producer company.
Documents Required for Producer Company Registration
- Scanned copy of PAN Card or Passport (Foreign Nationals & NRIs)
- Scanned copy of Voter’s ID/Passport/Driver’s License
- Scanned copy of Latest Bank Statement/Telephone or Mobile Bill/Electricity or Gas Bill
- Passport-size Photograph
- Specimen signature (blank document with signature [directors only])
Note: Any one of the directors must self-attest the first three documents. In case of foreign nationals and NRIs, all the documents must be notarised (if currently in India or a non-Commonwealth country) or apostilled (if in a Commonwealth country).
- Scanned copy of Latest Bank Statement/Telephone or Mobile Bill/Electricity or Gas Bill
- Scanned copy of Notarised Rental Agreement in English
- Scanned copy of No-objection Certificate from property owner
- Scanned copy of Sale Deed/Property Deed in English (in case of owned property)
Note: Your registered office need not be a commercial space; it can be your residence, too.
Advantages of a Producer Company
Limited Liability
All businesses can run the risk of not being able to repay their liabilities. It is a necessary evil. In this event, a sole proprietor (or individual producer) would be personally liable for all the debts of the business. The members of a producer company, on the other hand, have unlimited liability as the company is an entity in itself. Therefore, only the amount invested in the business would be lost; the personal property of the directors would be safe.
Economies Of Scale
Only 15% of India’s farmers own over two acres of land. The majority of farmers are, therefore, unable to safely unlock the advantages that come with economies of scale. With a producer company, multiple farmers can work as a collective and lower costs, reduce risk and even get access to better credit facilities. This enables better planning and bargaining power with buyers.
Better Management
Rather than a single farmer managing the entire business, work within a producer company can be divided between its directors. The entity is managed by the Board of Management, which has a tenure of five years. Also, a Producer company has a separate legal existence, which means that it isn’t affected by the death of any of its members.
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Why choose Company Registration in India? Benefits
Registering a company offers many benefits. A registered company makes it genuine and increases the authenticity of your business.
Shields from personal liability and protects from other risks and losses.
Attracts more customers
Procures bank credits and good investment from reliable investors with ease.
Offers liability protection to protect your company’s assets
Greater capital contribution and greater stability
Increases the potential to grow big and expand
You will also get DBS or ICICI Zero Balance Current Account
Checklist for Registering a Company in India
According to the law in the Company Act, 2003 in order for any company to be registered in India, the below conditions have to be met.
Two Directors:
A private limited company must have at least two directors and at most, there can be 15. Of the directors in the business, at least one must be a resident of India.
Unique Name
The name of your business must be unique. The suggested name should not match with any existing companies or trademarks in India.
Minimum Capital Contribution:
There is no minimum capital amount for a company. A company should have an authorized capital of at least Rs. 1 lakh.
Registered Office:
The registered office of a company does not have to be a commercial space. Even a rented home can be the registered office, so long as an NoC is obtained from the landlord.
How to Register Company Online? – A detailed registration process
Company Registration in India will boost the progress of startups and provide an additional edge over those who have not registered. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs governs the company registration process with rules and regulations framed in accordance with the law.
Step 1: Application for DSC (Digital Signature Certificate).
Step 2: Apply for the DIN (Director Identification Number)
Step 3: Application for the name availability.
Step 4: Filing of the EMoa and EAOA to register private limited company
Step 5: Apply for the PAN and TAN of the company
Step 6: Issued certificate of incorporation by RoC with PAN and TAN
Step 7: Opening a current bank account on company name
Search a company before Company Registration
One of the primary steps in Company Registration is to ensure that the company name has not already been taken by another legal entity. We can run a company name search to check the availability of the particular name in India against the MCA and trademark database.
We recommend the businesses to come up with three to four alternative names during the approval stage of Private Limited Company Registration. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs will be the final authority to approve the name based on the availability rules and regulations.
If you are disappointed that a preferred name is taken, do remember that the name of your company doesn’t have to be your brand name. However, if you’re going to trademark your brand name, also check if it has already been trademarked at. If it has been trademarked, you would need a no-objection certificate from its owner to have it approved as your company’s name.
Documents required for Online Company Registration
In India, Private Limited company registration cannot be done without proper identity proof and address proof. Identity and address proof will be needed for all the directors and the shareholders of the company to be incorporated. Listed below are the documents that are accepted by MCA for the online company registration process acceptable.
Identity And Address Proof
Scanned copy of PAN Card or Passport (Foreign Nationals & NRIs)
Scanned copy of Voter’s ID/Passport/Driver’s License
Scanned copy of the latest bank statement/telephone or mobile bill/electricity or gas bill
Scanned passport-sized photograph specimen signature (blank document with signature [directors only])
For the foreign nationals, apostilled or notarized copy of the passport has to be submitted mandatorily. All documents submitted should be valid. The residence proof documents like the bank statement or the electricity bill must be less than 2 months old.
Registered Office Proof
For online company registration in India, the company must have a registered office in India. To prove admittance to the registered office, a recent copy of electricity bill or the property tax receipt or water bill must be submitted. Along with the rental agreement, utility bill or the sale deed and a letter from the landlord with her/his consent to use the office as a registered office of the company should be submitted.
Scanned copy of the latest bank statement/telephone or mobile bill/electricity or gas bill
Scanned copy of Notarized rental agreement in English
Scanned copy of No-objection certificate from the property owner
Scanned copy of sale deed/property deed in English (in case of owned property)
Note: Your registered office need not be a commercial space; it can be your residence too.
How can we help in Registering your Company in India? Why Onscharter
The Private Limited Company Registration process is completely online, so you don’t even have to leave your home to get your entity registered. At Onscharter, we complete the Company Registration online within 14 days.
Onscharter Company Registration package includes:
DIN and DSC for two Directors
Drafting of MoA & AoA
Registration fees and stamp duty
Company Incorporation Certificate
Company PAN and TAN
Name Approval Certificate
GST Registration
PF Registration
ESI Registration
PT Registration (Only applicable in Maharashtra)
DBS or ICICI Zero Balance Current Account
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